Dual Axis Chart In Tableau

What is Dual Axis Chart In Tableau

Dual axis chart in Tableau is used to display the different types of data in different ways in the same chart. You may display columns, lines, areas all on the same combination chart and in below article you will learn how it is easy to create dual axis chart in Tableau only you need to make sure what dimension you need to consider for what.

What is the use of dual axis chart?

Dual axis chart combine more than one chart type in the single chart. One way you can use a dual axis chart is to show actual values in Bar Chart together with a Line Chart that shows a target value.

Another example, Sales can be presented by bar or margin can be presented as line chart in single chart. So that user can compare both at a time looking at single chart. This is useful when you have to compare actual with targeted value.

Below dataset use to create combined graph in Tableau.

Combined graph dataset

Step wise Guide:

Follow the step wise Guide to create Dual axis chart in tableau

  • First step is to drag region in Column and Measures values in Rows
  • It will show all measures available in dataset in Marks Area
 step1 dual axis chart in tableau

  • You need to remove those measure which don’t needed for Bar chart (like in below image only we have left Total Cost and total profit)
Combined graph step2

  • Now drag Total Revenue next to the Measures Values in Rows
  • And change into Dual Axis
Combined graph step3

  • In Marks Area change Measures value into Bar chart
Combined graph step4

  • In Marks Area change Total Revenue into Line chart
Combined graph step5

  • As you can see above image Total Cost and Total Profit is as stack bar
  • To convert it you need to off the stack marks option from Analysis menu.
step6 dual axis chart in tableau

  • Now drag Measures name on colors and size option in Marks Area as shown below Image
  • After that, tableau will automatically change the color and size of 2 bar.
  • If you like you can change the size and color according to your choice.
step7 dual axis chart in tableau

  • At the end change the line color in Red to make the final dual axis chart.
 step8 dual axis chart in tableau


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