%Grand Total

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn how you can calculate Percentage of total in SAP analytics cloud for specific account or Measures, explained with examples

%Grand Total

%GrandTotal() function returns the (%) percentage of grand total for each values. You can also called as the share of percentage. It will also work with the filters and automatically calculate grand total if you applied filters. In SAP analytics cloud Percentage of total is really good function which can use in many view like table view and chart view.

Below are 3 examples explained for %GrandTotal() function

Example #1: Percentage of share for one Dimension

In this example we will learn how you can apply percentage of share for one dimension in table view using %GrandTotal

You first need to make table with one dimension. Click on three dot on column area and then click of “Add Calculation

You need to type the function %GrandTotal and select the Account and measure on which you need to calculate the Percentage share as shown below image.

calculation window for sap analytics cloud percentage of total

After applying function or formula your table will look like below one

table view in SAC to show sap analytics cloud percentage of total

You can also use to show for graph view (like combined chart and time series chart) 

Example #2: Percentage of share for Multiple Dimension

If you want to calculate % of share for multiple dimension the also you need to calculate %GrandTotal as same way how you did on the above example

Only difference is that you can drag the second column/ dimension in your table view.

Then SAP analytics cloud will automatically split the Percentage of shares in your tables view as shown below image

in below example we have dragged City as second column and SAC automatically split it into share %.

table view shows sap analytics cloud percentage of total by city and product


This is really helpful to analyze your accounting and financial data and also for other data which need to show the shares of your information. you can apply and use this function in graph view also, its totally depends how you want to use and analyze your data set.

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