Definition: INSERT INTO command in SQL
INSERT INTO command in SQL is used to insert one or more then one rows in SQL table OR you can say used to Insert new records in a table
Using INSERT INTO command in SQL , either you can insert new records direct from SQL query And Second, INSERT also used to insert/add records in a table from another existing table in SQL
INSERT INTO statement have two way to insert records.
- First Case: Specifies both the column names and the values to be inserted
- Second case: Do not need to specify the column names in the SQL query.
First Case Syntax:
INSERT INTO table_name
(column1, column2, column3 ...)
(value1, value2, value3 ...);
Example #1: First Case
INSERT INTO Customers_Tbl
(Customer_ID, Customer_Name, Region, Customer_Segment)
('1230', 'Tom Erico', 'West', 'Home Office')
if you would like to check that result or Row in SQL table you can run the SELECT query for these columns with condition on any column using WHERE Clause
Below we are trying to get result applying filter on Customer_name
SELECT Customer_ID, Customer_Name, Region, Customer_Segment FROM Customers_Tbl WHER Customer_Name = 'Tom Erico'
Result: you will see below result that one row or record has been added in the Customers_Tbl
Second Case Syntax:
- Second, do not need to specify the column names in the SQL query.
(value1, value2, value3 ...)
Example #2: Second Case
In this Second case, you need to insert data or rows in SQL table only in the same sequence of column structure in SQL table and same number of data should be inserted in table.
INSERT INTO Orders_Tbl VALUES ('1235', '2011-10-22', '8748', 'Not Specified', '30', '288.56', '0.03')
If you will miss any data for any one column or many columns then data will not inserted and it will though the error as shown below
Error Result:
Example #3: INSERT INTO data from another SQL Table
It is really good feature and easy to import and load data from one table to another table, its need sometime to use this functionalities depends on your requirements
In this case all records from Customers_Tbl will be Inserted into Customers_Tbl_Temp, However, it is important If you are not specifying any columns names then both Tables should have same number of columns and columns names.
If there is any difference in columns numbers and names, Then you can specify the name of columns in both tables in SQL query, then it will work.