POWER function in sap analytics cloud

overview: In this tutorial you will learn and understand POWER function in SAP analytics cloud and how you can use this function in different situation.

Power() Function

Power function in Sap analytics cloud used to calculate a base number raised to the power of a specified exponent. Power function is the most important functions in Algebra. It is also use for linear calculation. Power function is a function where y = x ^n where n is any real constant number.

Power function also can be used for graph view as shown below example.


Power (<Base>, <exponent>)

Lets take few example to understand it more

Example #1: Power() with constant

Let take below example with constant number to calculate the Power of one number with constant exponent

POWER (4,3)

The above example return value 65 (which is 4*4*4 = 64)

Example #2: Power() with Measure column

lets take example to calculate Unit cost if product is double, then we can use function to calculate double Cost

POWER(Unit Cost, 2)

After applying POWER function the combined chart will look like as shown below image. Bar shows the actual value and the line shows the power values with POWER function as calculated filed.

Table view explain the output of Power function in SAP analytics cloud

In above example we have applied filter on product so that we can see each product unit cost in each city and also double unit cost which is calculated by POWER function in SAP analytics cloud.

Once you will change the filter it will change the values of both bar chart and line chart. you can apply many page filters as you want to apply for chart.

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