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SAP Analytics Cloud Functions

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn the difference kinds of SAP analytics cloud functions and how to use it in stories and dashboards

SAP Analytics cloud provides predefined functions, formulas and Operators so that you can easily calculate and define your calculation in SAP Analytics cloud. SAP Analytics cloud Functions is helpful to visualize your stories, dashboards, graph and charts with calculated fields. Functions return a value based on argument provided in a function area.

SAP analytics cloud functions have the capability to provide the suggestion for their users. once you will click

Ctr + Space then you will see these suggested functions and formulas

Once you will press [ then you will see the options for all dimensions and measures available within your data set

Sep analytics cloud functions categories as listed below

  • Mathematical Functions
  • String Functions
  • Date and Time Functions
  • Logical Functions
  • Lookup and Reference Function
  • Conversion Function
  • Business Functions
  • Inverse Function

to use this above function you should also knows few operators provided bicep analytics cloud those are mentioned below

  • Mathematical Operators
  • Conditional Operators

Mathematical Functions

This functions we can be use to calculate four constant values and members of any columns available in the data set

let’s take example if you want to calculate or show some absolute values meaning a number without site then you can use ABS() function which can help you to return value as absolute

Other example of Mathematical Functions in SAP analytics cloud are: %GrandTotal(), MAX(). MIN(), MOD(), Power() etc….

String Functions

This function is use to apply on text values or any fields and column which have text data type then this function we can use to perform our task

Example: if you want to find some substring from text and concatenate two string and find our the length of string then you can use String functions

Few functions: Substring(), Length(), Concat(), Replace(), LowerCase(), UpperCase() etc….

Date and Time

This function use to perform on task for Date datatype fields like your year, month and fiscal year, calendar date. SO if you can to calculate the week of day using any date from your filed/column available in your dataset then you can use this function.

Few Functions are: DATEDIFF(), DATEADD() etc

Logical Functions

This function is use to perform and calculate fields based on conditions. and based on TRUE or FALSE it will show the result of the function.

Functions are: IF(), IFNULL(), AND(), OR() etc….

Conversion Function

This function is really helpful to convert one datatype into another data type,

Example: you can convert integer into float using FLOAT() function

Functions are: Float(), INT(), ROUND(), TRUNC() etc…

Lookup and Reference

These functions you can use only in Modeler for data blending using LINK() function and lookup values. basically trying to say that you can link a model (using blending) to display data from more than one model (or dataset) in a single story or dashboard.

Functions are: LINK(), Lookup(), Restrict() etc…

Business Function

These functions also you can use only in Modeler, where you can calculate Compound annual growth, YoY and Moving average etc..

Inverse Function

These functions also use only in Modeler, If you want to do data entry in formula, you can add inverse functions to specify how the formula should be reversed.

For example, let suppose you have account dimension that has a Profit member with below calculation:

[Revenue] – [Cost]

With above formula, users cannot enter data for the Profit account, for that you need to define an inverse formula for it:

[Revenue] – [Cost] | INVERSE([Cost] := [Revenue] – [Profit])