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SQL Management Studio – Overview

Let try to understand different area of SQL server Management Studio window. as shown below screenshot the numbering and each numbers are explained in the below.

SQL Management Studio

  1. This is the main Manu of the SSMS where you can see many options
  2. This is important window which shows the current database which you are using, creating Table and performing queries.
  3. Click to get new window for Query/Command space.
  4. Click to execute the query. If you will click on execute it will run all written queries in the query window. If you want to run specific query you can select that specific line or portion of query and then click on Execute button to run it.
  5. this is the window/space where you can write your queries and SQL commands.
  6. This is the navigation for all database and Tables which you have created within the Database. Sometimes you need to refresh table from navigation bar, if data is not reflecting after query run. (select table > right click > click on refresh table button)
  7. this is the Messages area where it will show your successful or error command messages.

These are the very basic options in Management studio, which you will use mostly during your day to day SQL command,