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UPDATE command for SQL

What is SQL update command?

The UPDATE command for SQL is used to modify the existing data in a SQL table. UPDATE statement always used with WHERE clause as condition and based on condition query make the modification in the SQL table

let’s go through below syntax to understand more


      col_Name1 = 'value1', col_Name1 = 'value1', ... col_Namen = 'valuen'
[WHERE condition]
  • table_name is the name of table in which you would like to do the modification
  • SET is the syntax which used with UPDATE to set the values of columns which you like to modify or update.
  • WHERE is the clause which used to put condition on which row modification can be done in table.

Lets look at some frequent ask questions:

What are the three UPDATE command in SQL?

There are three basic update command in SQL which you can use to manipulate SQL table. you can create, modify and delete.

INSERT – This command you can use to INSERT records as single or multiple in the SQL table.
UPDATE – This is main UPDATE command use to modifies the existing table record
DELETE – This command use to removes the SQL record from the database.

How to UPDATE 2 records in SQL?

You can use where clause to UPDATE 2 records in SQL with the help of “IN” keyword as shown below image

UPDATE orders_Tbl
SET Customer_ID = 'XYZ', 
    [Order Priority] = 'Low'
WHERE [Customer ID] IN ('7102', '4356');

Is UPDATE command is DML category?

Yes, Update command in SQL is the DML command Data Manipulation Language and others example, Insert, Delete, Modify etc.

Below are 5 examples which will make you to understand better with different scenario.

Example #1: Update one column

Let’s check the current status for Customers_ID = ‘7102’ in Orders_Tbl table

      [Customer ID] = '7102'


update command in SQL

In above result you can see that “order priority” has different priority.

Now lets run Update command for SQL to put “order priority” as ‘Very Low’ for [Customer ID] = ‘7102’

      [Order Priority] = 'Very Low'
      [Customer ID] = '7102'

Result: its updated the 17 rows with [Order Priority] = ‘Very Low’

Let’s verify after UPDATE command

      Customer ID] = '7102'

Result: Now order priority has been changed to “Very Low”

update command in SQL

Lets see below few more examples

Example #2: Update more then one columns

In the below example, query do the modification in 3 columns Product_Category, Region and Customer_ID based on one condition that is Customer_Name = ‘Jack Lebron’

      Product_Category = 'New Furniture' ,
      Region = 'West North' ,
      Customer_ID = '1111' 
      Customer_Name = 'Jack Lebron'

Example #3: Update columns using multiple conditions

In below example, query do the modification for 2 columns based on multiple 2 condition on two different columns on Customer_Name and Product_Container

In this UPDATE command uses the Logical Operator AND , it means if both condition true then it will do the modification in table.

      Customer_Segment = 'New office' ,
      Product_Category = 'AI Technology'
      Customer_Name = 'Jim Sink' 
      Product_Container = 'Small Box'

Example #4: Update columns for NULL values

In the below example, we are using two WHERE conditions using logical Operator OR, this will do the modification if any one of column is NULL value or both have NULL values

      Province = 'Quebec' ,
      Product_Category = 'AI Technology' 
      Province is NULL 
      Product_Category is NULL

Example #5: Update command using CASE statement

In below example UPDATE command using CASE statement to update Customer_Segment column based on CASE statement multiple conditions on Region column.

SET Customer_Segment = 
                     WHEN Region='West' Then 'West Segment'
                     WHEN Region='Atlantic' Then 'Atlantic Segment'
                     WHEN Region='Ontario' Then 'Ontario Segment'
                     Else Region

With CASE statement, update command changing the name of different region in whole SQL table. It doesn’t matter how much size of table in SQL. it will change all region name with new name based on condition.


Update command for SQL is powerful way to make changes, you can use these 5 example and do practice with  SQL table, so that you can remembered how to use update command syntax.